unitaryHACK Rules


Submission Requirements

A contribution to a participating project for this hackathon consists of making a pull request yourself to the project's repository. For pull requests resolving bountied issues, the first accepted PR from the project maintainers will receive the prize! Pull requests are reviewed and decisions to accept are made by the project maintainers. Hackers can make contributions anytime between May 28th and June 11th AoE.

Any submissions made after 5pm AoE on June 11th will not be considered, unless a special exception is made in advance by the Unitary Foundation team.

All participants and maintainers must adhere to the project's Code of Conduct as well as Unitary Foundation's Community Code of Conduct.

If you have any questions about the event contact us hack@unitary.foundation, or to get in touch with others working on the event, join our Discord!